
Mass effect miranda ass
Mass effect miranda ass

mass effect miranda ass

People on Twitter and Reddit already noticed the changes and are voicing their support (or disagreement) with the decision.

mass effect miranda ass

Perhaps the most well-known instance of Mass Effect’s questionable camera angles is a scene from Mass Effect 2 where she’s talking to Commander Shepard about rescuing her family, and instead of focusing on either of their faces, the camera focuses primarily on Miranda’s ass. “So in some cases we said, ‘Okay, we can make a change there.’” Walters indicated that there weren’t changes to specific character models, but instead updates to where cameras were angled. “ Kevin actually called out some camera cuts that were just… why was that focusing on Miranda’s butt?” Walters said. In an interview with Metro UK, Mass Effect Legendary Edition project director Mac Walters said BioWare reconsidered how they portrayed characters like Miranda in the remaster. The remaster will alter camera cuts that focus on characters’ butts. While the biggest updates in the remaster to the series are cosmetic, one specific change piqued the interest (and ire) of fans. BioWare announced the release date and new details for the much-anticipated Mass Effect Legendary Edition this week. Only two scenes in the game are retouched, one with mirandas butt in front while she tells shepard about her sisters story and one where femshep has her legs.

Mass effect miranda ass